All about Gasoline A-98

All about Gasoline A-98

Fuel prices in Ukraine have been constantly growing from year to year. Therefore, the car users frequently have to decide which fuel to fill to their iron horse’s tank to save money, drive more and avoid causing damage to their cars.

And for some reason, many of them suppose that fuelling their car with gasoline 98 will instantly solve all their problems. Indeed, this fuel is more expensive, which should typically mean of higher quality. But this is the MOST COMMON ERROR. In fact, gasoline 98 costs more because it has a higher octane number rather than because it is better.

If you are filling you car at well-known fuel stations that monitor the quality of fuel they offer and purchase gasoline from trusted suppliers, you will get high-quality gasoline regardless of whether it is 92 or 98.

What are the differences between gasoline 95 and 98?

As already mentioned above, the main difference between gasoline 98 and 95 is the octane number. It is quite clear that gasoline 98 has a higher octane number, which is why this fuel grade costs more.

In simple terms, the octane number refers to the ability of fuel to combust while it is being compressed. The higher the octane number, the more resistant to combustion gasoline is. For example, the octane number of gasoline 98 ranges from 12 to 14.5, while for gasoline 95 it fall in the range from 10 to 12.5. The higher is the value, the slower is the fuel combustion. However this is not advantageous for any vehicle. Gasoline 98 will be only harmful for cars with insufficient power.

Special aspects in the production of gasoline 98

Gasoline 98 is produced by adding oxygen to the fuel. This makes gasoline burn slower and thus ensures higher fuel efficiency.

Some car users are sure that that can save even more by diluting gasoline with alcohol in certain ratio ratings. This may result in reduction of the calorific value of a fuel. Besides, car engines are still not able to separate alcohol from fuel. Engine breakdown is the most ‘favourable’ outcome, while the worst case is an accident.

Therefore, you are recommended not to dilute gasoline by yourself in order not to endanger your health and safety and avoid unnecessary expenses.

Where to buy gasoline 98 in Ukraine?

This fuel type is offered at almost all major filling stations, so you would hardly have any difficulties in finding this fuel. But, please, make sure to choose proven fuelling locations. Attempts to save money may result in filling in poor-quality fuel, causing breakdowns and unnecessary costs.